Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Language Arts

1. Developing ideas - a) students are to choose a topic, b) brainstorm ideas they may choose to write about, c) ask themselves questions (who am I writing for?) to narrow the topic, d) develop subtopics to help organize the information, and e) write their report. Remember, show your thinking on paper:)

Due Monday, October 5th.


1. Mathlinks8 - online quiz - record results Wednesday, September 30th
2. Test - Tuesday, October 6th - Chapter 1
3. Problems of the Week - Friday, October 9th

Friday, September 25, 2009

Language Arts

1. Review view - relative pronouns, adjective clause, and antecedent


1. Page 23 - 27 # 4,6,8,10-19 Due Monday, September 28th.

Note to parents - mathlinks 8 is on line if your child forgets their text book at home:)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Language Arts

1. vocabulary definitions for The Nest

2. read 20 minutes


1. Six graphes and definitions (foldable) due Tuesday 22 (page 7 and 12)

2. Pages 14 - 16 due Wednesday

3. Journal entry #1 due Friday 25 (Math link page 17)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The grade eight math program follows the curriculm outcomes for PEI which can be found at the Department of Educations website.

This year, the grade eight text book is Mathlinks 8.

The students will have homework throughout the year. This will be to finish up classroom work, review material, prepare for tests and project work.

Presently the classes are working on Chapter 1 - Data Representation. The students have been creating foldables which will be used throughout the unit to help them keep track of their learning and prepare them for the wrap up assignment.

Please encourage your child to talk about the math concepts they have been learning about. This will help them to recognize what they know and what might still be confusing to them.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Language Arts

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Our class is beginning a literacy unit called Step up. In this unit, students read about people who have had the courage to "step up" and take action at a time of need. As students read the selections, they learn
* how to make connections to their own personal experiences, texts they have read or viewed and the world around them
* how to develop ideas as they write
* how to listen effectively
* how to recognize purpose and audience in media and text
*the characteristics of sequence and text pattern
*word study skills, including relative pronouns, verb tense, adverb clauses and present participles
Here are some ways you can support your child's learning throughout this unit:
*Share a story about someone who has taken a stand
*watch the news together and discuss issues
*talk about personal heros and why you admire them